Central Valley High School's Future Farmers of America (FFA) judging teams competed at the Fresno State FFA Field Day on Saturday, April 23.
The Farm Business Management judging team received Second High Team overall, with Joseph Hewes earning second High Individual! Other team members are Brenda Diaz, Alondra Gonzalez, Victor Barajas, and Stephanie Navarrete.
The Poultry judging team earned fifth high team overall, with Emanuel Alvarez as eighth High Individual. Other team members are Wilber Arellano, Cristina Valtierra, Miguel Gonzalez and Bailey Rodriguez.
The Dairy Cattle judging team earned seventh high team overall. Members of the team are Andrew Dias, Gabriella Germann, Jacob Nunes and Ryan Nunes.
The State FFA Conference was held April 23-26 in Fresno. CVHS members Victor Barajas and Sara Wann served on the State FFA Band. Gabriella Germann was one of 12 individuals selected to serve on the State Nominating Committee. Andrew Dias was the State Champion as the top Agriscience Individual in the Plant Systems Division.
Central Valley FFA was third overall team in Agriscience for the state.
Additionally, Gabriella Germann was sixth place in the State FFA Job Interview Contest.
Central Valley FFA Dairy, Poultry and Farm Business Management teams will be competing at the FFA State Finals at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo on Saturday, May 7.