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$540,000 park gazebo OK'd
• Council votes 4-1 to raze 1988 gazebo for metal one
Gazebo circa 1988
This gazebo, a fixture in Whitmore Park since 1988 will be demolished and replaced by a similar structure made of metal following a 4-1 vote of the Ceres City Council on Monday. The cost for the new design (below) could be as high as $540,813. - photo by Jeff Benziger

The Ceres City Council voted Monday to spend up to over a half-million dollars to build a controversial new gazebo in Whitmore Park to replace the one built in 1988.

The council approved a $491,649 contract with Sinclair General Engineering Construction Inc. of Oakdale. A 10% contingency of $49,164.90 means the total cost could reach $540,813.

The city plans to tap into federal ARPA funds and use $208,214 from a grant from the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation.

Last year Vice Mayor Bret Silveira began pushing for the new gazebo despite public criticism. That criticism continued on Monday before the council voted 4-1 to approve the project.

He said the “great news” about the bid is that it isn’t costing the $700,000 “unless we have some crazy change orders.”

Councilman James Casey said “we need to do something to the gazebo, no question, but I think we need to go back to the drawing board. I think it’s way too much to be spent.” He suggested the project could be rehabilitated with community group labor or donations from Home Depot.

Casey cast the lone “no” vote against the project.

City Manager Doug Dunford said the city must spend the $208,212 state grant funds by Dec. 31 or return it to the state.

Councilman Daniel Martinez said he is looking forward to the new gazebo and said the existing one is too cramped for full bands performing at the summer Concerts in the Park. He motioned for approval before the public had a chance to comment.

Ceres resident Shirley Rogers complained that the public wasn’t asked about their desires for the park, mentioning how Ceres has no water pad for kids in the summer.

“We’re going to put this fancy gazebo in this little tiny park in the middle of a little county city in the middle of nowhere,” said Rogers, “because somebody wants to use it for Concerts in the Park six weeks out of the year. Bulls---.”

Ceres resident Gene Yeakley called the “whole thing ludicruous,” noting that $500,000 can buy a whole house. He wondered if local builders could do the job for far less.

Ceres Public Works Director Sam Royal said all city construction projects call for labor to be paid at prevailing wage rates.

In August 2023 the city spent $65,940 with O’Dell Engineering to design the new gazebo, which looks similar to the existing gazebo only larger and made of metal instead of wood. In prior meetings, Ceres resident John Warren, suggested the existing gazebo – which was built in 1988 – could last another 25 years.

In November Silveira insisted the structure not worth keeping and said “there’s a constant problem with the power and electricity issues.” He said the new structure will be a bit wider and “more conducive to what we use it for.”

The gazebo is often the center point for festivities like Concerts in the Park and the Ceres Street Faire and he cited how there is pole in the middle of where performers stand. He noted how band have to stand on ladders to plug equipment to an overhead power receptacle.

Demolishing and removing the existing gazebo will cost $8,793. Nearly $1,000 is being spent on a Councilmember dedication plaque.

Park gazebo plans
Architectural plans for the new gazebo in Whitmore Park. - photo by Courtesy of the city of Ceres