Blaker-Kinser Junior High School eighth-grader Kenia Acevedo Velderrain was recognized by the Rotary Club of Ceres as a “Student of the Month.”
Kenia was praised as a positive student who enjoys attending school every day. Known to be a sweet, kind, creative and responsible young student, on any given school day Kenia may be found on task in the classroom, being a leader on campus and being helpful to her peers.
She was selected by her teachers and staff members as an individual who embodies commitment and excellence in scholarship, leadership, citizenship, and volunteerism.
In addition to being a leader on campus, Kenia balances her academics and extracurricular activities. She is an Honor Roll student and has been nominated regularly to be ‘Student of the Month.”
Her favorite class is Health where she enjoys learning about ways to stay healthy and practice positive healthy life habits.
Kenia is an active member and student leader of the PhastJV Club and recently attended the PhastJV Conference sponsored by the Stanislaus County of Education.
Kenia served as a leader for the school’s annual sixth grade elective showcase visit where she welcomed incoming Blaker student.
Kenia plays competitive soccer off campus and considers it her favorite sport. She has dedicated eight years to the sport and plans to play throughout high school.
She also enjoys art in her free time.
Kenia enjoys helping her community and has demonstrated a commitment to service by donating to local charities each month. Recently, she collected cans and donated them to a local food bank during our canned food drive. Her willingness to help others has helped to motivate students around her.