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Ceres man makes two holes-in-one in same day
Troy Hulstine
Troy Hulstine of Ceres managed to pull off two holes-in-one on Sept. 12 at River Oaks Golf Course in Ceres. It’s considered to be a nearly impossible occurrence but he had witnesses. - photo by Contributed to the Courier

According to the National Hole-In-One Registry, the odds of making two holes-in-one in a single round of golf are 67 million to 1. But Troy Hulstine of Ceres did the unimaginable while playing golf at River Oaks Golf Course in Ceres on Sept. 12.

“The ultimate goal is to get a hole-in-one,” said Hulstine, 34. “Nobody thinks they’re actually going to do it. I’m still in shock. I can’t believe it happened. It’s crazy.”

Troy’s brother, Curtis Hulstine, said the two went to the golf course to have fun and that he was “glad he had witnesses. It’s hard to believe. There are pro golfers that don’t even have a hole-in-one.”

Troy’s first ace was on the par-3, 13th hole. The distance from tee to pin was 111 yards.

“The ball landed three yards short from the pin, hopped and rolled right in,” stated Troy. 

“The feeling of watching the ball disappear in a hole is absolutely amazing,” added his brother. “I can’t imagine what he was feeling.”

Troy’s second ace was on the par-3, eighth hole with a distance of 138 yards from tee to pin.

River Oaks on-course golf marshals Sarah Thomas and Richard Berdion witnessed Troy’s second hole-in-one.

“We happened to be golfing,” explained Thomas. “I was on the tee box on hole five. I could see where they were at. I could hear all this screaming and see them running down the fairway. People golf their whole lives and never get one. To get two is crazy. I was so happy to be there to see it. I was telling everybody at the club house. I’m so excited for Troy. He’s such an awesome guy. He’s at the golf course all the time.”

It didn’t take long for other golfers to hear about the rare accomplishment because word spread like wildfire.

“Everybody heard about it within 10 minutes,” Troy Hulstine said. “The owners didn’t believe it. I hit the ball perfectly. They were really nice shots.”

“I was shaking peoples’ hands for good luck,” he added.

Curtis said it was fun to watch his brother’s treatment as a local celebrity for a couple of hours.

On that day Troy also shot a career-best, even-par 59 on the 18-hole course while Curtis shot a 72.

“I don’t have a coach but I have a mentor. Ben Brenning Jr. has been giving me insights on golf. My focus is my swing. I’m trying to correct it. It’s super intricate.”

Troy will always remember the day he made two holes-in-one in the same round.

Curtis signed Troy’s scorecard as a witness. He also took pictures of Troy holding golf balls while kneeling by the No. 8 and 13 holes.

Troy marked the date and hole numbers on each ball as souvenirs of the occasion and plans to frame them with his scorecard.

“It makes me want more holes-in-one. I’m going to strive to do better.”

Older brother Billy Murphy introduced them to the golf 18 months ago as a recreational outlet.

“Troy’s out there every day – it’s his happy place,” said Curtis.