Grading work has started on the new Eastgate Park.
Earlier this year Ross F. Carroll, Inc. was awarded an $858,894 contract to grade the 7.5-acre site, plant grass and install concrete walk, curbs, concrete benches, volleyball sand court, playground/exercise equipment, corn-hole game boards, horseshoe pits, drinking fountain, trash cans and wayfinding signs.
City Manager Tom Westbrook said there has been much interest among those who bought their homes in the Eastgate master plan over a decade ago were promised a park.
“Demand has been strong,” said Westbrook.
Plans are still in works for the design of the 10-acre Lions Park site on River Road between Central and Richland avenues.
Construction is expected to be completed over time as funding becomes available.
The city is budgeting about $800,000 for each park, funded by the Public Facilities Fees paid by developers.
The city has been cautious about adding new parks because maintenance staffing levels are still short.
In January Vice Mayor Linda Ryno suggested both new parks need to be built with minimal landscaping, citing how she felt Marie Neel Park was built with too many plants for maintenance workers to handle. The city is not installing any shrubs said City Engineer Daniel Padilla, because of the concern over lack of maintenance crews. Padilla said some future landscaping strips will be covered in decomposed granite or mulch. Wood fiber will be installed in the children’s playground areas.