Central Valley FFA and Westport 4-H hosted the 2nd Annual Dairy Cattle Judging Contest on Saturday, Jan. 24 hosted by the Germann Brothers Dairy in rural Ceres.
It was a cold foggy day but members from Central Valley FFA, Enochs FFA and Westport 4-H endured the cold weather to learn how evaluate various classes of dairy cows and evaluate dairy pedigrees.
After the contest judges Dan Graham of Midland Holstein Farms and Andy Germann of Germann Brother Dairy critiqued the cow classes and answered questions of the FFA and 4-Hers. After the judges' critique, all contestants and parents enjoyed a barbecue lunche, followed by awards.
Awards included Taylor Menezes of Westport 4-H as 4-H first high individual, followed by Abby Milligan as 4-H second high individual.
Andrew Dias was the FFA first high Individual with Patty Brasil placing FFA fourth high individual and Lilian Brasil placing FFA fifth high individual.
Other Central Valley FFA participants were Flavio Cardoso and Juan Rios.
Contest chairpersons Gabriella Germann and Kyle Bates said the contest went very smoothly and want to thank the Agriculture Boosters of Ceres for sponsoring the contest.