TYPE OF BUSINESS: Co2 (carbon dioxide) and propane distributors.
LOCATION: Inside an industrial building at 2140 Pine Street, Ceres.
HOURS OF OPERATION: Weekdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 12 noon; closed Sundays.
PHONE: 209-495-5692
ABOUT THE BUSINESS: Travis and Renee Stephenson started their small family owned and operated business about 3 years ago and haven’t looked back.
“We started out with strictly carbon dioxide which is used for very broadly in the beverage industry,” said Travis. “As time has gone along we have also decided to bring in propane as an addition to the business. We now fill propane on site as well per deliveries of propane cylinders.”
Travis was in the gas business for 12 years before deciding to start his own company.
Taco trucks “have been huge for us,” he said, because propane is for their cooking operations.
“They say that they love the service,” said Travis adding it’s due to the lower cost and responsive and personal service. Another big customer base is the restaurant and bar businesses which use carbon dioxide to mix sodas and beer. Customers include the State Theater in downtown Modesto. The Gallo Centre for the Arts calls on the Ceres company to supply CO2 gas used for Cryo effects to simulate smoke or fog in stage production.
“Carbon dioxide is a dry ice solid,” he explained.
Unfortunately the biggest sales currently have been coming from poultry growers to euthanize thousands of laying hens and turkeys infected by the bird flu.
“It’s horrible in California right now,” he said.
Another use for CO2 containers is in the hydroponics industry.
“There’s a lot of us out there but where we stand out is that we’re smaller, overhead is smaller, we’re a little bit cheaper and we provide a topnotch service. If you call me I’m pretty much there that day (to deliver) or the next day.”
Also picking up for the firm is business from families who like to barbecue. Just CO2 caters to the backyard barbecue aficionados by offering exchange propane tanks or filling empty tanks at the fill station from the large onsite bulk tank that holds 100,000 pounds of carbon dioxide.
Currently propane costs $3.50 per gallon or $17.50 for a refill.
“We started out small and we’re growing, growing, growing, growing.”