Another craft brewery was approved Monday by the Ceres Planning Commission – this one located in an industrial area of Foundry Court.
Alan Atkins of Five Eye Brewing of Gustine came before the commission seeking a conditional use permit to operate a brewery and public tap room in two spaces at the far west end of an existing 18,000-square-foot building at 1920 Foundry Court. Foundry Court is located off of the northern end of Rockefeller Drive. The two suites together occupy 3,500 square feet.
Atkins plans to make food available with the use of a food truck (to be parked on site during normal business hours.
Brewing would be conducted seven days per week, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. with on-site tasting on Thursdays through Sundays, 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. with a capacity to allow about 30 guests.
The site is served by 62 parking spaces and since only about five or fewer employees will report to work in an entire day, it is unlikely the proposal would have a negative impact on parking demand for tenants at full occupancy.
The property is zoned M-2, or General Industrial, which is intended to provide for the concentration of heavy specialized industrial uses and allows for the manufacturing/processing of alcoholic beverages and convenience-oriented uses once a conditional use permit has been obtained.
Five Eye plans to move forward with building permits and get them submitted for plan checks.
“They’re hoping to move as quickly as they can, noting that the governor has limited tap houses and breweries from operating at the moment,” said Tom Westbrook, director of Community Development for the city of Ceres. “Because they’ll be doing construction they’re going to be many months down the road before they can be open anyway.”
The commission voted 4-0 to approve the project. Commissioner Laurie Smith was absent.
Time extension
In other action Jose and Alicia Lopez received approved for a one-year time extension on their previously approved Site Plan Approval entitlement to build a 3,640-square-foot retail complex at 1957 N. Central Avenue. The site is at the northwest corner of Central Avenue and Sequoia Street.
The project was originally approved on Feb. 5, 2018. The extension will allow the Lopez’s to continue to prepare the construction plans necessary for building permits. The city staff members supported the time extension since the project would reuse of an underutilized parcel as well as the balance of commercial businesses that already exist within the area.
The couple said it wants the building to have more of a modern look without the concrete tile roofing or brick veneer. The new look includes the combination of the contrasting earth tone colors which may be of smooth or rough textured finishes integrated with wall mounted trellis features along the north and south sides of the building, as well as a standing seam metal roof patio feature.