The Santa Fe Avenue bridge spanning the Tuolumne River will be closed to all traffic beginning 9 p.m. Sunday, April 28 through 5 a.m. on Wednesday, May 8. The schedule depends on the weather.
The traveling public should anticipate extra delays during commute hours.
Construction on building a new bridge east of the existing bridge began in August 2017 and is expected to conclude in summer 2020. Once constructed, the new bridge will include:
• Two 12-foot-wide tra¬ffic lanes in each direction;
• A 12-foot-wide center median lane to accommodate safe turning movements to/from existing driveways at both ends of the bridge;
• Shoulders measuring eight feet wide.
During construction, public safety remains a top priority. Access to properties will be maintained at all times. Open trenches will be covered using steel plates at the end of work shifts.
For more information visit or call 225-9137.