A total of six persons want to be considered for three open seats on the Ceres Planning Commission. Two of them include current members who want to be re-appointed – Bob Kachel and Gary Del Nero.
The four other applicants are Julio Madrigal, Daniel Martinez, Angie Duarte-Smith and Rafael Valencia.
The election of Bret Silveira to the Ceres City Council created on vacancy on the Ceres Planning Commission this week. The terms of Kachel and Del Nero are expiring.
Other members on the commission are Chairwoman Laurie Smith and Dave Johnson.
The Planning Commission is a permanent advisory committee of citizens appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council. Meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. to consider land use matters such as zone changes, conditional use permits, variances, subdivisions and general plan amendments.
Applying to be considered for one of two seats on the Measure H Oversight Committee are Joshua Steeley, Rosalinda Vierra and Daniel Martinez.
While he applied for both panels, Martinez, who lost in the city council election, would only be able to serve on one.
The Planning Commission applicants will be interviewed by Mayor Javier Lopez and Councilwoman Linda Ryno.
Applicants for the Measure H Oversight Committee will be interviewed by Mayor Jose Lopez agreed and Councilman Bret Silveira.
The committee looks at how Measure H sales tax dollars are spent on public safety.