Three Ceres students were among 15 honored at the countywide “Every Student Succeeding” recognition event on March 11.
They were:
• Jaleah Gill of Cesar Chavez Jr. High;
• Luis Munoz Batista of Central Valley High School;
• Aynara Perez of Lucas Dual Language Academy.
The “Every Student Succeeding” program honors students who have succeeded against challenges, gone beyond expectations, or simply won the hearts of their teachers and other staff.
The event was sponsored by the Stanislaus County Office of Education (SCOE), and Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), Stanislaus Charter.
At the end of the program, Superintendent Scott Kuykendall announced that Naomi Campbell, a senior at Adelante High School in Riverbank is the ACSA regional nominee and recipient of the $500 scholarship.
Presenting sponsors include E. & J. Gallo Winery; Mocse Credit Union; Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud, & Romo; Shoob Photography; and the Association of Stanislaus County School Boards.