Three Ceres High School students in the dance production class are setting their sights on the upcoming “Amidst the Chaos” production at Modesto Junior College.
Helem Delgado, Leilani Lucero and Mikayla McMurray each auditioned and were accepted to perform in the recital set for 7 p.m. on the nights of Feb. 5, 6, 7 and 8 in MJC’s East Campus main auditorium. Tickets are $11 per person, $9 for students and seniors and available at the MJC Box Office at 575-6776 and online at
CHS dance teacher Rebbecca Meyers is also a resident choreographer with the MJC dance department which has an outreach program for high school students. If accepted the high school students get to rehearse and perform with college students seeking their associate degree in dance. Sometimes they also get to learn from guest dancers from other colleges and professional dance company dancers and choreographers.
“Currently they’re getting ready, rehearsing for the upcoming show,” said Meyers. “They’re actually receiving college credit at the same time.”
The class offers two units of college credit which are transferrable and priority registration should they decide to enroll at MJC.
All three dancers answered the challenge to audition given by Meyers in the Advanced/ Dance II combination class. She classified all three as “more serious students.”
“They work really hard and dance is something they want to do or they want to become better students,” she added.
Choreographers generally look for technically strong dancers who project well, or who have talents and want to be pushed.
The MJC experience is being highly appreciated by all three girls. Helem Delgado, who considers dance to be her “escape from reality” and her “peace,” said she’s glad she challenged herself.
“My experience with MJC has been life changing,” said Delgado. “I have grown so much as a dancer. I have more technique that I never knew existed. I am gaining the knowledge of college dancing and I also have made new friends. College students are a joy to work with. I learned that my body is capable of doing a lot of things when I put the work into it.”
Leilani Lucero is excited about the upcoming show week.
“I’ve grown so much mentally and as a dancer,” said Leilani. “I’ve learned to be more patient with not only myself but with the choreographer and my fellow cast mates. I’ve been taught phrases and moves that I’ve never been exposed to before. Of course being a high school senior, my schedule has been a little overwhelming at times but if I could I would do it all over again. It’s been a journey – a long awaited one.”
Mikayla McMurray said she appreciates how the other dancers are helpful and friendly and contributed to her confidence as a dancer.
“It has definitely brought many opportunities to me to increase my love for dance,” said McMurray. “I learn new things every rehearsal, and it has definitely helped me to increase my abilities. Everything I have learned has been very meaningful and helpful.”