At least two vacancies are coming up on the Ceres Planning Commission – possibly more depending on the results of the mayoral and a city council race – and the city is laying out how the appointment process will go.
The four-year terms of Gary Del Nero and Bob Kachel will be expiring at the end of the year and will need to be filled. In addition, two members of the Planning Commission are seeking other offices and if they win will create two more vacancies. Gary M. Condit is running for mayor and Cerena Otero is running for the District 3 council seat.
The city will be seeking applications from persons wishing to be appointed – and could include the incumbents – with them due to be turned in by 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30.
A council subcommittee of Mayor Javier Lopez and Vice Mayor Bret Silveira will then interview each applicant on Monday, Oct. 14 but the date is subject to change. Community Development Director Lea Simvoulakis will attend and support the interview panel to answer questions. The subcommittee will present their recommended selection to the council at a regular meeting.
The newly appointed Planning Commissioners will become effective Jan. 1, 2025 and will each serve a four-year term.
The Planning Commission is a permanent advisory committee of citizens appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the City Council. Meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. to consider land use matters such as zone changes, conditional use permits, variances, subdivisions and general plan amendments.
Applications may be obtained from City Hall.