Central Valley High School student leaders came up with a creative way to celebrate fall homecoming during the coronavirus pandemic.
“The kids chose hometown heroes as the theme to honor essential workers,” Activities Director Jon Merchant said. “I’m super proud of them for doing something different. They just want to thank the community.”
Senior, junior, sophomore and freshman class members will complete daily challenges during the course of the week to recognize frontline employees.
“They’re not dressing up,” Merchant said. They’re doing something different each day to honor them.”
Juniors thanked delivery workers (postal employees) on Oct. 19 with snacks and thank-you notes.
Freshmen thanked cashiers (food and commercial) on Oct. 20 with thank-you notes as well. They also tagged local businesses on social media.
Sophomores will thank first responders today by reposting appreciation flyers.
Seniors will sign a virtual thank-you card on Friday for local healthcare workers.
All students will honor educators on Friday. Throwback spirit pictures or pictures with teachers will be posted on the school’s Instagram (CVhawknation).
Students will show school spirit by wearing daily colors, including white (Oct. 19), yellow (Oct. 20), red (Oct. 21), blue (Oct. 22) and green and maroon (Oct. 23).
Thank-you videos will also be shared on social media.
Virtual voting for homecoming court winners will be conducted virtually today.
“The CUTA is donating $500 to the most spirited class to give to a charity,” Merchant said.
Summer vacation ended for Ceres Unified School District students on Aug. 12 as the 2020-21 school year opened with distance learning due to state- imposed coronavirus restrictions.
All public schools in Stanislaus County were closed from March 19 through the 2019-20 spring academic year to help minimize the spread of COVID-19.