Crime Stoppers is a community based, non-profit organization of citizens working against crime in conjunction with the criminal justice system. This program has been operating in Modesto and more recently, law enforcement agencies of Oakdale, Ceres and the County of Stanislaus have also joined in the effort. Turlock and Newman are also considering the possibility of participating.
During 2007, nearly 1,100 calls have come into our local Crime Stoppers to provide leads and information on unsolved crimes. The calls are received anonymously, and if the information leads to arrests of criminals, the callers receive cash rewards of up to $1,000. Anonymity is ensured by providing the caller with a code number to allow for collection of the reward. The system ensures that the identity of the caller is never known to the police or anyone else. This anonymity is the cornerstone to the effectiveness of Crime Stoppers, so the system in place to ensure anonymity is well-devised and carefully protected to maintain its integrity.
Perhaps some potential Crime Stopper callers are motivated by the monetary rewards, but it seems to us that most people prefer to use it because it keeps them truly anonymous and thus eliminates the threat of reprisal. We also know that some people are afraid of "getting involved" with the legal system, yet they wish to see justice carried out. Crime Stoppers is a good mechanism to achieve that goal.
Crime Stoppers programs can be found throughout the United States. Its first program started in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1976. Over the years it has gone "international," having expanded into other countries like Canada, Brazil, Australia and South Africa, to name just a few. Worldwide, these programs have been successful in bringing about some 600,000 arrests of criminal suspects. Interestingly, approximately 95 percent of those arrests led to convictions.
Despite these successes elsewhere in this country, I believe the program here in Stanislaus County is only in a fledgling state with much opportunity to grow. As more local communities join in, and with increased public awareness that the program exists, it may well prove to play a very large part in identifying criminals. This, of course, will help keep our communities safer. Law enforcement has been seeing a distinct trend of increasing reluctance of crime victims and witnesses to report crime information to the authorities. The need for Crime Stoppers is therefore that much greater.
Persons who wish to remain anonymous and have information about wanted criminals or suspects associated with crimes can call (209) 521-4636. The Internet can also be used to provide Crime Stoppers information at The system here can handle multiple languages. This Crime Stoppers website also contains links to other useful information like crime prevention tips, unsolved cases, wanted persons and much more.
Our local Crime Stoppers program is staffed by volunteers and it is a non-profit organization funded by donations and fundraisers. It is managed as Fund 189 of the Stanislaus Community Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations may be made by personal or cashiers checks to Crime Stoppers and mail to: Stanislaus Community Foundation, Attention Crime Stoppers, 1130 L Street, Suite B, Modesto, CA 95354.
During 2007, nearly 1,100 calls have come into our local Crime Stoppers to provide leads and information on unsolved crimes. The calls are received anonymously, and if the information leads to arrests of criminals, the callers receive cash rewards of up to $1,000. Anonymity is ensured by providing the caller with a code number to allow for collection of the reward. The system ensures that the identity of the caller is never known to the police or anyone else. This anonymity is the cornerstone to the effectiveness of Crime Stoppers, so the system in place to ensure anonymity is well-devised and carefully protected to maintain its integrity.
Perhaps some potential Crime Stopper callers are motivated by the monetary rewards, but it seems to us that most people prefer to use it because it keeps them truly anonymous and thus eliminates the threat of reprisal. We also know that some people are afraid of "getting involved" with the legal system, yet they wish to see justice carried out. Crime Stoppers is a good mechanism to achieve that goal.
Crime Stoppers programs can be found throughout the United States. Its first program started in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1976. Over the years it has gone "international," having expanded into other countries like Canada, Brazil, Australia and South Africa, to name just a few. Worldwide, these programs have been successful in bringing about some 600,000 arrests of criminal suspects. Interestingly, approximately 95 percent of those arrests led to convictions.
Despite these successes elsewhere in this country, I believe the program here in Stanislaus County is only in a fledgling state with much opportunity to grow. As more local communities join in, and with increased public awareness that the program exists, it may well prove to play a very large part in identifying criminals. This, of course, will help keep our communities safer. Law enforcement has been seeing a distinct trend of increasing reluctance of crime victims and witnesses to report crime information to the authorities. The need for Crime Stoppers is therefore that much greater.
Persons who wish to remain anonymous and have information about wanted criminals or suspects associated with crimes can call (209) 521-4636. The Internet can also be used to provide Crime Stoppers information at The system here can handle multiple languages. This Crime Stoppers website also contains links to other useful information like crime prevention tips, unsolved cases, wanted persons and much more.
Our local Crime Stoppers program is staffed by volunteers and it is a non-profit organization funded by donations and fundraisers. It is managed as Fund 189 of the Stanislaus Community Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations may be made by personal or cashiers checks to Crime Stoppers and mail to: Stanislaus Community Foundation, Attention Crime Stoppers, 1130 L Street, Suite B, Modesto, CA 95354.