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Most Americans don’t believe the Supreme Court is ‘out of control’
Bill Wilson
Bill Wilson

The public may not be supporting full-blown conservative positions on all issues, but most Americans hold rational positions on economic, cultural, and free speech matters, in a vehement rejection of the radical left’s attempt to dismantle the Republic.

A new Harvard-Harris poll shows startling consistency in the public’s support for recent “controversial” Supreme Court rulings, and shows a majority of Americans support a balanced budget Amendment to the constitution and reject “gender pronoun laws.”  

This is a vehement rejection of the breed of left-wing fascism that has taken hold in Canada and much of Northern Europe, and proves Americans are still fighting against draconian dictatorship and will not go down easily.

First, across the board, Americans stand with our Supreme Court on a number of “controversial” decisions that beat back fascist attempts to compel Americans to violate their religious beliefs and continue accepting racist admissions policies among others.

This is in direct opposition to the narrative peddled by left-wing commentators like Michael Tomasky who lamented in a recent The New Republic article that, “the Supreme Court is out of control.”

In the article, Tomasky channels the fury of the cultural left that has been brewing since the court’s historic overturning of Roe v. Wade, and laments a slate of decisions that wrench power back from cultural Marxists and uphold individual liberties.

The argument on the left for a year straight has been that the court is “out of touch” with the public and handing down rulings that the American people disagree with, but this couldn’t be further from reality.

New polling cuts through the rhetoric from talking heads and shows Americans largely support all of the Supreme Court’s recent “controversial” decisions, including the Court’s ruling against raced-based admissions policies.

The public is in agreement 67% to 33% with the court’s “controversial” recent ruling that found race-based admissions policies violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.  

Americans agree 62% to 38% with the court’s finding that President Biden does not have the authority to “cancel” $400 billion in student debt without Congressional approval.

Americans agree 73% to 23% with the court’s June 29 ruling that sided with a Christian delivery man who observes the Sabbath on Sunday and did not want deliver packages that day.

Furthermore, Americans agree 60% to 40% with the court’s ruling that American graphic artists  have the right to refuse to design websites for gay individuals if doing so violates their religious beliefs.

Lastly, Americans agree 56% to 44% with the court’s June 2022 decision to overturn Roe. V. Wade and return abortion decisions to the states.  

Americans are also fed up with Congress continuing to tax and spend into oblivion while driving up our deficit and weakening the dollar. The public says 80% to 20% they’d support an amendment to the Constitution demanding Congress balance the budget within 10 years.

There is vast support for the balanced budget amendment across the political spectrum, with 83% of Republicans, 79% of Democrats and 76% of Independents supporting a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.  

On the issue of free speech, Americans are significantly less willing to accept fascist encroachment on the First Amendment, with the public saying 64% to 36% they oppose laws that would require individuals to use other people’s “preferred pronouns” when those people identity as a gender unrelated to their biological sex.  

These findings are very bad for the draconian overlords in positions of power who wish to shred the Constitution into confetti and replace it with their delusional and self-serving regime.

However, it is incredibly good news for those who love liberty and proves cultural Marxists will have a significantly harder time converting America into a fascist dictatorship like has unfortunately happened to our friends in Canada and much of Western Europe.   

If “politics is downstream from culture” then the recent cultural decisions by the Supreme Court to uphold individual liberties and place hard checks on corrupt power grabs have powerful political implications. Most importantly, the public is in broad agreement with the court, and do not believe it is “out of control” as liberals have squawked since it began handling down decision after decision that upholds the Constitution and rejects left-wing power grabs.  

Bill Wilson is the former president of Americans for Limited Government.