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Propaganda continues for more U.S. spending
Bill Wilson
Bill Wilson

Now that Donald Trump is president, the abject terror of the deep state and the horde of bureaucrats is becoming palpable. The fear of actual spending cuts, an end to the stupidity and absurdity of the “debt limit” kabuki theater, and the possible end to the constant flow of money to the parasite class has put D.C. into a near psychotic free-fall.

It can be certain that the establishment – the so-called “Senior Executive Service” bureaucrats, the hundreds of thousands of ‘non-profit” NGOs and the academic parrots who mouth excuses and make up phony justifications – will fight to the last drop of our blood to preserve their gorging feast on the taxpayers. Like Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the deep state cannot resist the demand for more blood.

Recently an example of how they hope to build a defensive wall against MAGA advocates in Congress and the tens of millions of hard-working citizens around the county came to light.  Let’s call it the game of bait-and-switch.

An article published on Jan. 1, “A Great Lakes ‘Pompeii’? Lake Huron’s depths hold secrets of human history,” it reported on some exciting archeological finds at the bottom of Lake Huron. Not just the actual discoveries were reported but also the knowledge gained on how to conduct such work at the bottom of a very deep body of water was hailed. As a history buff, I was impressed by the finds and more so by the techniques employed.        

But then came the kicker – the real reason for the article.  You see, the three-year grant from the federal government is about to end. If it does, the work and the startling finds will end with it. How sad, how tragic.

Of course, the writer does not find the inability of families to pay for food all that tragic. And, there is, naturally, no connection between spending money we as a country do not have and the persistence of inflation; a malady that is solely the fault of government overspending. No, we are supposed to be sad about the end of this clearly great project and ignore the impact of the wasteful federal government.

This is the bait-and-switch. We are baited by things we want or enjoy – in this case some truly historic archeology.  But what we get – the switch – is an inflationary cycle that is crushing families and small businesses everywhere. Do not believe for one second the outright lies of Jerome Powell or Biden. Inflation has not been tamed and is, in fact, rearing its head in a more destructive and dangerous manner. As Daivd Stockman has pointed out, the type of lull we now find ourselves in is exactly the same pattern witnessed in the 1970s.

If people like George Soros have billions of dollars to spend on trying to corrupt and pervert our nation’s law and order system and politics, why not fund something worthwhile like the Lake Huron project? We know the answer of course. The leftist elite hate America and would rather spend their money on dangerous schemes that neither help average people nor enhance general knowledge.

We should all prepare ourselves for the onslaught of similar stories coming our way. There will be a thousand reasons forced on us to justify the continuation of the spending spree. And all of them, worthy or not, will not justify the harsh reality of runaway inflation. 

America has no other choice – either spending is cut to the actual bone and continue that way for an extended period of time, or the nation falls into hyper-inflation and we are destroyed. There is no third choice.

— Bill Wilson is the former president of Americans for Limited Government.