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You can’t make up the liberal lunacy even in the courts today

You can’t make up the liberal lunacy that we see today.

Let’s start with the unconstitutional actions of the Colorado State Supreme Court which voted 4-3 to ban Trump’s name from the primary ballot in their state. Never mind that the former President has never been charged with insurrection – but boy did we hear ad nauseam the media talking heads screaming over and over that we was guilty – but they took it to a new level and decided to interfere with the election. They said he is ineligible based on a Civil War era law, never mind the fact that Trump successfully ran the country for four years and closed down the flow of immigrants who had nothing to offer the country, only drain it of its resources.

Undoubtedly the U.S. Supreme Court with its smarter constitutional expertise will toss this decision out on its head.

All seven justices on Colorado’s highest court were all appointed by Democrat governors. Three of those Democrats did not support the decision.

The four justices who supported their act of election interference were:  Monica M. Márquez who was appointed by then-Gov. Bill Ritter in 2010, and John Hickenlooper appointees William W. Hood III in 2013, Richard L. Gabriel in 2015, Melissa Hart in 2017. The justices exercising common sense were: Maria E. Berkenkotter, Carlos A. Samour Jr. and Brian D. Boatright.

Boatright said: “In the absence of an insurrection-related conviction, I would hold that a request to disqualify a candidate under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment is not a proper cause of action under Colorado’s election code. Therefore, I would dismiss the claim at issue here.”

But you didn’t hear the media talk about common sense remarks like his. They were too busy pooping their pants with glee at the news.

The Democrat machine is working over-time to destroy Trump because they sense he will be re-elected against a feeble president with a failing record.

Courts simply can’t be denying voters their rights of voting for former presidents who DO qualify to be on the ballot and if the U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t slam the state court, we don’t have a free election system any more.

This Colorado decision should scare the hell out of all Americans, both Democrat and Republican.

* * * * *

Social media gives us all an opportunity to see how off-the-rails our young people have become through the influence of media and universities. On his YouTube channel, Ben Shapiro offered the interaction between a 20-something woman who disclosed she is half black and half Caucasian. She was asked if she would ever date a police officer. She replied: “No, they’re pigs because the institution they support is inherently racist and profiles black and brown Americans especially, throws them into jail which is a continuation of the slave trade, essentially. People are working in prisons for less than minimum wage making pennies and dimes and it’s unfair. That’s what you contribute to if you’re a cop.”

When her interviewer said, “I disagree with you on…” she cut him and said, “Yeah I bet you do, white boy.” He replied: “That’s a bit racist,” to which she asked how she could be racist to him because she’s half white.

If she can’t see how flawed her reasoning is, there is little hope for how this type of thinking is producing the kind of society we are watching unravel.

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The fact that Democrats in control of lawmaking in California passed and signed into law SB 2 should scare any Californians who fears government control trampling on the rights of self-protection. Fortunately a federal judge struck it down as unconstitutional.

The law would essentially invalidate the rights of anyone with a concealed weapons permit to actually carry a gun into most places in California. It’s like Newsom and his ilk truly wanted to screw the responsible gun owners at the same time while they mollycoddle criminals. It’s purely an attempt to frustrate and ultimately discourage individuals from exercising their right to bear arms.

Last September a lawsuit was filed against Attorney General Rob Bonta which has resulted in a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the state law. It is a major victory for the Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in the lawsuit which include Gun Owners of America, Gun Owners Foundation, Gun Owners of California, the California Rifle & Pistol Association and 11 private citizens. It’s also a major victory for all law-abiding citizens who want to carry concealed weapons for their personal safety.

U.S. District Judge Cormac J. Carney at the Central District of California handed down his 43-page decision last week, saying “The right to self-defense and to defend one’s family is fundamental and inherent to our very humanity irrespective of any formal codification…For many years, the right to bear arms, and so necessarily the right to self-defense, was relegated to second-class status.”

That all changed when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down three landmark rulings over the course of 14 years, ending with the June 2022 Bruen decision. But California lawmakers and Newsom ignored the high court, and as Judge Carney noted, defied the rulings on Second Amendment rights.

Only one Democrat in the state Senate, Ceres’ representative Marie Alvarado-Gil voted against SB 2 last September. Of course, she also represents the mountain communities in Alpine, Amador, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer and Tuolumne counties, which would run her out of office if she hadn’t voted against this bill.

Last week Alvarado-Gil praised Carney’s decision, saying, “The Second Amendment is a cornerstone of our nation’s history, and while we recognize the importance of public safety, it is imperative that we strike a balance that respects the rights of responsible gun owners.

If we only had more Democrats like her. Thank you, senator, for recognizing a horrible bill when her party leader Newsom can’t.

Why Democrats think CCW holders are the problem is puzzling to me.

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In case you haven’t heard, Newsom is doing so well at governing California that we have lost population for a third conservative year. Good going, Gavin. And he wants to spread his poisonous leadership to the rest of the country?

California lost around 37,000 people from July 1, 2022, to July 1, 2023, or 0.1%. It was less than the more than 500,000 people the state lost from April 2020 to July 2022. But it still represents the sixth-largest rate of loss of any state during that time span.

Other Democrat-run states that lost population are New York, Louisiana, Hawaii and Illinois lost a larger share of their population over the year.

We all know the drill as to why people are leaving. They’re fed up with the lack of housing (thanks due in part to the state’s strict environmental reviews), the high cost of living, the failure of the state to deal with the homeless who are turning our streets into Third World ghettos, the promotion of political views that are contrary to conservative values and the ever-increasing control over people’s lives.

Yet, folks keep electing more of this year after year.

This column is the opinion of Jeff Benziger, and does not necessarily represent the opinion of The Ceres Courier or 209 Multimedia Corporation.  How do you feel about this? Let Jeff know at