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Letters to the Editor published Jan. 12, 2010
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Ceres police slow in aiding Neighborhood Watch programs

Editor, Ceres Courier,

In these difficult economic times, with shrinking city budgets, neighbors need to form Neighborhood Watch groups to alert the police of possible criminal activities. Unfortunately, in Ceres the police department has volunteers run the Neighborhood Watch groups and responds so slowly that the program is practically non-existent. For example, it took four months for the Ceres Police volunteer to contact us to schedule our first meeting. After our first meeting in November, our 16 families want to buy Neighborhood Watch signs to place in our community. After repeated calls, I have yet to talk to any Ceres police officer or volunteer to order and install our signs.

The Ceres Police Department needs to take a proactive approach to the community and deter crime through successful Neighborhood Watch programs.

Joanne Vega,


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Potter's House appreciates help from the community

Editor, Ceres Courier,

Sometimes we labor without ever knowing just how our actions have touched other lives. We at the Potter's House want to say thank you to Interfaith Ministries in Modesto and to Food-4-Less in Ceres. Colony Park Mobilehome Estates blesses us with the use of their club house and their encouragement. Because of their donations and contributions we have been blessed to watch the faces of many change.

Our donations coordinator, Janet Wright, does an awesome job. Every Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. we give words of encouragement, and the bread and other food items are distributed among the people. It is such a blessing to watch the children get the sweets and to see some of the stress leave the faces of others who have worried how they will make it until the next week.

We want to thank Cory and Gerald at Food-4-Less for all that they have blessed us with as they have donated every day for several years. We are encouraged every day with the support of the employees and staff of Food-4-Less. We are thankful for all that they have done and want to thank them publicly for their efforts to ease the pressures of life for hundreds here in Ceres.

Pastor Wayna Pritchett,

Potter's House,


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Part-time Legislature, yes!

Editor, Ceres Courier,

I think it is disgusting that our elected officals have nothing else better to do than to make 733 new laws to go into effect. I think they have to much time on there hands and need to go to work and earn a living like the rest of us. A part-time legislature seems more appealing to me than ever before.

John Allen,


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Letters to the editor will be considered for publication but must be signed with the author's name, address and telephone number. Letters should contain 250 words or less and be void of libelous statements. Letters may be sent to The Ceres Courier, P.O. Box 7, Ceres, CA 95307, or emailed to