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Letters to the Editor published July 16, 2008
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Drill here, drill now

Editor, Ceres Courier,

Drill for American oil now! as Chuck Norris of "Walker, Texas Ranger" fame is demanding, and leave the oil companies alone is the answer to our oil and gas crisis and we can do it only if we get the government off the backs of the big, and especially the small, oil companies and let them drill where they want. Private enterprise in the oil industry is the answer and it always has been. Government restrictions stopping oil drilling and production have caused the present gas crisis, not the oil companies. We have hundreds of years supply of American oil and gas in our country and we should develop it now. Our oil companies are not allowed to drill off our coasts but Communist China and Cuba reportedly are allowed to drill off our shores in the Gulf of Mexico and we shouldn't allow it. We should go to and search: "gas gone wild" to see Congressman Ron Pauls' bill H.R. 2415, the "Affordable Gas Price Act" that will get oil production going again in our country big time and bring down the price of oil, natural gas, and gasoline.

This is critical to our everyday life and national security. We should contact our congressmen and demand they cosponsor and support Congressman Pauls' H.R. 2415 "Affordable Gas Price Act" immediately to restore oil production now.

Ed Nemechek,


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It's time county Animal Shelter is upgraded

Editor, Ceres Courier,

Mahatma Gandi said "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated." No truer statement was ever made. Apparently the Modesto City Council has never heard of it. Dogs and cats running loose and a decaying animal shelter are symptoms of a dysfunctional community. The seriousness of this problem needs to be addressed immediately, not six months from now. Stanislaus County needs a humane, inviting shelter that serves as pet adoption and community center.

As a nation we claim we love cats and dogs. Millions of households have pets, and billions of dollars are spent annually on pet supplies and food. The Modesto City Council needs to have a hard, sobering look at the number of cats and dogs that are being euthanized at our county shelter or left to die on the streets. Cats and dogs are dying because of the pet overpopulation in this Valley. They die humanely at the shelter or by injury, disease or neglect on the streets. These are animals that would have made a wonderful companion if they were given the chance.

This is the time of the year when cats give birth and flood the shelter with kittens because there is an over abundance of unsterilized cats, both owned and un-owned cats. These unwanted cats and kittens - when not left on the streets to fend for themselves - will turn up in high volume at our shelter. We have a major animal overpopulation crisis in this Valley and the animals can't wait any longer.

I know the residents of Stanislaus County are better than this. Get behind building a better shelter!

Karen Mosser,


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Cambridge Park in wrong location

Editor, Ceres Courier,

On June 16, we had the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Ceres Planning Commission. We attended the meeting to hear about the Cambridge Park project and the proposal to amend the Ceres General Plan. Because our business is in close proximity to this proposed development, we had received a notice of the meeting.

Our attendance raised some serious concerns about the project. First of all, this project would add a considerable increase in traffic to the already overburdened Whitmore Avenue. We do not believe that a project like Cambridge Park has any place on Whitmore. This is not a residential area. The plan calls for 8-foot walls on three sides and a "decorative" wrought iron fence in front. This housing development will consist of 16 two-bedroom, 24 three-bedroom, and 8 four-bedroom units. The project could easily house 88 children. These children would be confined in the complex with a small tot area, but no place to walk or ride their bikes -- unless their parents allowed them to ride or play on Whitmore Avenue! There are no schools or parks within walking distance. Even adult residents would face a challenge trying to walk along this busy section of traffic.

If you have not done so lately, please take a few minutes of your time to drive out Whitmore Avenue to the site area - just west of the mini storage facility on the south side of Whitmore. This is a commercial area - again, not a residential area.

We sincerely hope that the Ceres City Council will take a realistic and a long-range safety approach and deny this change to the General Plan.

Jim & Kathy Casey,
