Editor, Ceres Courier,
I don’t believe someone will do, or will care, as much as Adam Gray does about our community. Which is why I believe Adam is the best person to represent us in Washington.
I’ve known Adam for more than a decade, and I am a mother, an attorney, a community member, a Merced College Trustee, and a board member of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Merced Theater Foundation.
During his time in Sacramento, Adam has made good on his promise to our community. Because of Adam’s hard work, Merced College will be able to build one of the nation’s best agriculture and industrial technology education buildings so that we can better prepare our students for high-skill, high-wage jobs.
Adam has also spent the last 10 years fighting to bring a medical school to the Central Valley, and this year, he delivered on that promise. Studies show that doctors often plant their roots in the communities where they complete their residency. For an area of the state with the lowest doctor-to-patient ratio, this victory is huge for expanding access to quality healthcare.
We need Adam in Washington. We need someone who is willing to stand up for us, to fight for what we deserve, and to continue pushing forward in the face of adversity. I hope that you will join me in supporting Adam in the race for CD-13.
Carmen Ramirez
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