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Biden’s border policy is a danger to all Americans

Editor, Ceres Courier,

The president and his skillful spin doctor press secretary continue to blame MAGA GOP’s for the crisis at the southern border, claiming Republicans refused to accept the president’s “comprehensive” border policy legislation offered on Mr. Biden’s first day in office, as if it were an all-or-nothing, take-it-or-leave-it, non-negotiable proposal unworthy of debate.

The lack of any sensible, workable plan implemented through executive order(s) to deal with the immigration crisis has had a foreseeable yet preventable catastrophic effect on America and its major cities. One has to ask, at the current exponential rate, when are smaller cities like Charleston and Huntington going to get their fair share of bused migrants?

A short-term solution is obvious. Deny access under any circumstances to those caught attempting to illegally cross our borders. For those asylum seekers presenting themselves at border processing centers, document and return them to Mexico pending their hearing. As witnessed under the Trump administration, such a policy should disincentivize most from making the journey from Central America, South America and from other faraway places worldwide.

The time is now. At 100,000 per year and counting, how many more fentanyl deaths can we ignore? How much more tragedy in the form of human trafficking? The deaths of innocent minor children? The White House has always maintained its policy is humanitarian. If it really were, Mr. Biden would make it clear America no longer intends to serve as an accomplice to the drug smuggling and human trafficking trade.

Steve Flesher

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