Editor, Ceres Courier,
I was very excited to learn that James E. Casey submitted his name for election to the Ceres City Council in District 1. I have known Mr. Casey for a number of years and am in full support of his decision to become a candidate for the District 1 council seat.
Knowing Mr. Casey, a very successful local businessman, I found him to be a very fair and honest person with a high degree of integrity. Mr. Casey has an understanding of how Ceres developed over the years and has a vision for future development as it relates to infrastructure, business and residential development and is acutely aware of sound personnel management and development through recruitment, proper education and training.
Having worked with Mr. Casey on some projects I found he has an understanding of financial issues facing private business and local governmental entities. Most importantly Mr. Casey will bring a mature outlook to the city council and base his decisions on the needs of the citizens taking into account the overall impact of the general population.
I would urge residents in District 1 to vote James E. Casey to the Ceres City Council, so the city can “Move to the Future with Casey.”
Louie Arrollo
(former Ceres Mayor)
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