Editor, Ceres Courier,
“You must never think of anything except the need, and how to meet it.” These words from American Red Cross founder Clara Barton — who would have turned 200 in December — continue to serve as a guiding light for today’s Red Cross volunteers, donors and partners, who exemplify her compassion and devotion to helping others.
This generous spirit is needed now more than ever. COVID-19 has taken a heavy toll on our most vulnerable neighbors, and they’re in dire straits when another crisis strikes.
That’s where our Red Cross community — of people like you — steps in to provide help and hope. This year, our volunteers responded to 286 local disasters — many of them home fires — collected 26,124 units of lifesaving blood and trained 6,583 residents in first aid and water safety. And those are just a few of the many ways our chapter made a difference in our local communities.
This continues to be a time to take care of each other, and what better time to honor Clara’s lifesaving legacy than when we celebrate her 200th birthday this holiday season. Join us by making a financial donation, an appointment to give blood or platelets, or becoming a Red Cross volunteer. Visit redcross.org to learn more about how you can make a difference for those in need.
Chris Losavio,
American Red Cross Heart of the Valley, Stockton