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City owes Meyer apology for failing to consider her input

Editor, Ceres Courier,

I attended Ceres’ “Skies the Limit” event this weekend. Based on attendance, it’s easy to see that the event is fast becoming a regional attraction with tremendous sales tax potential.

At the event, I saw Mayor Lopez. I made sure to thank him so he doesn’t feel like he has a thankless job. We, his constituents, may disagree with him occasionally, but we certainly value and are thankful for his sacrificed time and energy away from family and friends for the benefit of the city.

I also saw Councilmember Rosalinda Vierra, but my most notable encounter was with Brandy Meyer, former Tuolumne River citizen advisor. I’m not in government, but I felt deeply in my soul that I should go over and apologize for what the city did to her. Her response: “19 years!” Her voice cracked a bit as she replied.

The city’s decision to opt out of the TRRP without consulting Brandy, or taking mitigating steps as to not throw away 19 years of volunteer work in the trash tells us to not even bother volunteering for the city. The city owes her a heartfelt public apology and recognition if they hope to prevent further alienation of Ceres’ limited volunteers.

Alvaro Franco,


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