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City spends, spends, spends without seeking public input

Editor, Ceres Courier,

I am in shock to know that the city spent $65,000 for a company to draw plans for a new gazebo. Did the city even consider spending a few of those dollars to see if we need a new gazebo and if we didn’t how much it would cost to repair or update the one we have?

Why is it when we get any money from the government for our town the city goes crazy and just spends, spends, spends without even thinking of asking people what they want?

The city does not keep the people informed of upcoming projects.

Not everyone uses their phone or takes the local newspaper so they’re completely unaware of what is going on most times. If the city has money to throw away like they’re doing then they need to put out a newsletter because all the residents in Ceres do have an address and the postal system still works.

I would like to see a semi-annual newsletter, put out informing the citizens of any planned or current projects.

Shirley Rogers,


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