Editor, Ceres Courier,
Ms. Patton (Bedsworth), your quote in the entitled article, “Unwanted pets still a big problem,” in the Ceres Courier 1/19/22 by Jeff Benziger was either another display of your continued ignorance of the spay and neuter problem in the county, or bad journalism. “Because cats only breed when it’s hot” is a ridiculously misinformed statement. If you had any understanding of the plethora of kittens that have been born over the last several months, currently pregnant mothers up and down the Valley, or of the incredibly overmatched rescue community that is trying in vain to save and home them, maybe the JPA and SASA would be better prepared to rectify the issue. I have personally transported three pregnant mothers from Modesto area to rescue in the last few weeks. In fact, the SASA website has three kittens listed right now. I know of many pregnant cats looking for rescue currently. I delivered one to Dogwood a few days ago. The statement “only breeding when it’s hot” spreads misinformation.
The point being, that the statement creates ignorance and indifference in the community pertaining to animal health and welfare – something clearly stated in the mission of the agency and your responsibility. Also something, as you’re well aware, that many have spoken about at the JPA meetings.
We are an animal services organization known for its transparency, effectively promoting the humane and responsible care of companion animals, reducing the euthanasia of sheltered animals, and responding to the needs of the community.
Stanislaus Animal Services Agency works to establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment between humans and animals in Stanislaus County.
I hope SASA and you, despite pending retirement, can and will do better.
Michael Christian
(Editor's note: We quoted Annette Bedsworth accurately).
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