Editor, Ceres Courier,
Festive foods, drinks and a myriad of holiday events come now. For example, Beer and Yoga Christmas Edition on Dec. 21 at Blaker Brewing from 10:30 a.m. to noon.
“Cheers” to holidays means planning ahead if drinking. A responsible driver can get folded like a pretzel after hit by a drunken one.
A drunken driver hit me in 1992 when I was 16. Years of medical care and therapy in San Jose, San Ramon, Stockton and Tracy followed. I have problems hearing, talking and walking. After 30 plus years, I have adapted to this depressing change.
Taking SR 99 to go to and from a holiday party? Do not let your night of drinking turn into a nightmare: don’t drive drunk. Before celebrating, make sure you have a sober driver to take you home. If tapped to be the designated driver, do not drink alcohol. Take that role seriously.
Happy holidays.
Lori Martin,
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