Editor, Ceres Courier,
Climate crisis is being seen through our extreme weather and environmental changes. Not only do we need to be more aware of these issues but we also need to start being a part of the local solutions. At home gardening or even a community garden is a great way to start small in helping fight against the climate crisis. Food production, waste, and transportation all contribute to increasing greenhouse gas emissions to our environment. We can be a part of the solution by eating locally or growing our own fruits and vegetables right at home.
It may not work for everyone but a great way to start a garden could be with non-patented seeds that you’ve saved from your own fruits and vegetables that you’ve used for consumption and replanting. Some of my family members have started gardens in their backyards by building garden boxes from old wood and filling with leaves and sticks and soil for their crops to grow. Growing at home can even be more cost effective, instead of buying $7 pumpkins for the holidays you can grow several for less than $3. Overall we all need to start at home with a local solution to combat this climate crisis that affects us all whether we like it or not. Whether it be growing your own crops, helping with the local garden or even planting more plants in general, we need to go green so our planet can heal.
If you want to see less extreme weather like when our streets flood or our peers fall from heat strokes we need to take action. Let’s come together for local solutions against climate change and start little by little, start planting more plants!
Veronica Alvarez,
California State University, Stanislaus
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