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Former mayor: replacing gazebo is sheer lunacy

Editor, Ceres Courier,

Just read the Nov. 1, 2023 edition of the Ceres Courier. In reading your column I find that you allude to the incompetence of our city leaders in more than one edition of the Courier. I completely agree with you on that issue. Some members of the Ceres City Council have no idea what they are doing and should be replaced post haste.

The history of the gazebo in Whitmore Park goes like this: When I was mayor of Ceres I was approached by members of the Building Industry Association who wished to build a gazebo in Whitmore Park, as outlined in your Ceres Courier. The Building Industry Association, using their funds and labor produced the gazebo we have today. That cost the city of Ceres NOTHING.

To use the amount of money the city is talking about to replace a worthy structure hinges on the edge of lunacy. 

I would say some of the elite in the City of Ceres does not care about the history of the city but only care what benefit they can achieve for themselves, shame on them.

For those of you leaders who are thinking about a higher office in Sacramento your past incompetence will also remain with you.

Louie Arrollo,


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