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Nunes grateful to many
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Editor, Ceres Courier,

It has been my pleasure representing Ceres High School for the past 30 years as a teacher, coach, and Athletic Director.  I have taught and coached thousands of students through the years, and I have tremendously enjoyed my tenure here.  I have watched with pride as multitudes of my student-athletes have had successful careers and lives spanning coast to coast – even a few overseas.  It has also been rewarding to see many of my athletes become coaches and teachers themselves.

I cannot give enough thanks for the support and generosity to my athletes and programs over the years.  Without this support, nothing my coaches and I have done at Ceres would have been possible.  Because Ceres cares about their students, we were able to provide so many unique opportunities for our girls.  While there isn’t page space to thank all the individuals who contributed (and to try would be to forget someone) a special thank you must go out to Ceres Lions Club, Soroptimists, Richard and Isabell McKay, Steve and Arlene Vilas, Rick and Donna Megee and family, Shane and Kim Parson – such supporters of this community, not just Ceres High.

It has been my honor, my pleasure to work at Ceres High and in such a fantastic community.  I will always be a Bulldog . “Once a Dog, always a Dog!”

Shawna Nunes,

Athletic Director

Ceres High School

LETTERS POLICY: Letters to the editor will be considered for publication but must be signed and include an address and phone number. Letters should be 250 words or less and be void of libel. Send to The Ceres Courier, 138 S. Center Street, Turlock CA 95380 or emailed to