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Open letter to Mayor Lopez

Editor, Ceres Courier,

Mayor Lopez, I have a question for you. 

Recently you went on record supporting allocating $5,000 to partner with South Modesto Business United to help underwrite their Hispanic Heritage and Mexican Independence Day event.

Thankfully the majority of the council rejected the motion. And I thank each of them. 

My question to you, Mr. Mayor, is will you support and present a motion to the council to allocate the $5,000 to police operations, particularly ammunition funding which you cut by 7.14% ($4,000)?

Firearms training is a perishable and critical skill set, one that is literally a matter of life and death, not only for our citizens but our police officers. Not to mention a huge liability to the city with respect to officer involved shootings and proper training. The 7.14% cut in firearms training (ammunition), God forbid, will surely be evidence in any litigation against the city, including yourself as mayor.  

Let us protect our community, police officers and tax payers by restoring the funding for police firearms training. 

I appreciate your time and attention to this matter. I am sure my fellow citizens are looking forward to your reply as I am. 

Tim Hankins,


LETTERS POLICY: Letters will be considered for publication but must be signed and include an address and phone number. Letters should be 250 words or less and be void of libel. Send to The Ceres Courier, 138 S. Center Street, Turlock CA 95380 or emailed to