Editor, Ceres Courier,
Citizens are top of the city’s organization chart and should have a say in our fire services!
Citizens, are you aware our City Council will be presented with a contract for services from Modesto Fire Department to take over our fire department services? What does this mean if they approve it?
All Ceres firefighters will terminate employment with Ceres and become employees of Modesto FD. Ceres will still own fire stations and engines, along with paying for service/maintenance; however will no longer be direct advisors of how the fire department runs. Modesto has their own plan in place and Ceres is expected to follow it and pay their required fees. This will include “allowed” use of our new $1 million fire truck!
Some services MFD may offer, at their required fees:
• Full time chief (Ceres can already afford this position).
• Administrative Battalion Chief and Fire Marshall. Shared positions-will also cover Modesto, Oakdale City and Oakdale Rural (if Ceres can afford MFD fees for these partial services, why can’t we budget and create/hire a combined position?).
• Haz-mat, Confined Space and Swift Water Rescue (Ceres already offers and coordinates through boundary drops/Mutual Aid AND their own website states this)
An original statement at council meeting from previous Chief Wise that Ceres would “save $500K in the first year” has been found NOT ACCURATE! However, two council members already voiced their full support of “contract for services” when, in fact, no written contract or confirmed financial details have been presented to them. Imagine the responsibility these councilmembers are taking on with the lack of this pertinent information? I have admiration for the other two council members awaiting these details in writing before making such a monumental decision for our community.
All citizens urged to voice opinions by emailing council members or attending June 14 council meeting in person or by zoom.
Kathi Foster,
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