Editor, Ceres Courier,
The Biden-Harris administration has ushered in higher gas prices, higher homicide rates, higher inflation, higher homelessness, higher numbers of deaths due to COVID-19, higher poverty, higher crime rates in urban areas of the United States and higher levels of drug addiction.
Since none of this was higher immediately before Jan. 20, 2021, I view this all as, without a doubt, the fault of the Biden-Harris administration.
President Joe Biden said that we must “address the hate that remains a stain on the soul of America” after the recent shooting deaths of 10 African Americans in Buffalo.
No, sir, it is a stain on the credibility of your administration and on Democrats in Congress who took over the majority with a promise to curb gun violence. The record shows otherwise.
What moral high ground does the United States have to point fingers at the brutal war in Ukraine — and to shovel billions of dollars to Ukraine without sufficient oversight — when we cannot ensure the safety and security of our own people?
Nick Kuruc
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