Editor, Ceres Courier,
The school year has just started. Ceres Unified School District has now over 14,000 students attending schools that are scattered at varied cites all over Ceres. We need to practice with utmost care, not to speed in school zones and look out for pedestrians.
We all want to be safe on the streets of our city. But, at the beginning and closing of the school day, traffic around each school sites can be hectic with potential danger.
The speed limit is always posted, usually about 25 mph. The Sacramento Unified School District reduced the speed limit to 15 mph around school zones just this year. A state law allows local school districts to go to such measures if it is deemed necessary.
I know the schools practice and teach their pupils the pedestrian safety rules. Knowing parents will do the same with their children. We, as drivers, must not only be aware but must have cautious attitudes while traveling in and around school sites. Maybe be prepared to stop in a school zone because some youngsters have a mind of their own.
Daniel Marsh,
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