Editor, Ceres Courier,
China’s Xi is visiting San Francisco to obtain some economic favors from President Biden.
A communist leader’s meeting with an American president means Xi is in trouble at home and needs American capitalists to bail him out. Biden will oblige. U.S. presidents always make deals to prop up communist leaders because it helps American monopolists at home.
Such deals also deprive hundreds of millions of people of their freedom, but who cares?
Also, today the president desperately needs campaign donations from big business in an election year, so full speed ahead in San Francisco.
American presidents first bailed out Lenin (New Economic Policy), then Stalin (Lend-Lease), then Brezhnev (Era of Stagnation), then Gorbachev (Glasnost and Perestroika), then China ever since Richard Nixon’s visit there.
The end result of all our effort to build up communism? We have to build up our military to stop communism.
Kimball Shinkoskey
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