Editor, Ceres Courier,
On Nov. 26, 2024 you published an article regarding the tragic hit-and-run fatality of Darren Mosley. As his sister I’m outraged by the fact you guys felt the need to place a label on who he was. Your article states him identified as transient. That is not who he was. What does his housing status have to do with what happened? Did the fact he was homeless mean his life didn’t matter?
What you guys failed to mention is why. Let me tell you why. Darren had only been homeless a short time. He was the main caregiver for our mom who passed away from cancer. Darren suffered from back issues that steamed from lifting her and caring for her. After she passed away we were forced to sell the only home we had ever known. Ninety percent of the money from the sale went to a reverse mortgage our parents had, leaving us with not even enough to secure housing. He was in the process of getting his disability and just had moved in with his niece to get off the streets.
I feel the housing status of a person is irrelevant the most important thing is that a man was killed by an intoxicated driver. How dare society place a label on a person and make it seem as if their life meant less because of the fact they were facing hard times in life. Your paper makes me sick to my stomach. Darren was a brother, an uncle, cousin, boyfriend and friend. Shame on the Ceres Courier for how they wrote this article. If he was someone important in society the monster who done this would not be walking free while our family is mourning the loss of our loved one.
Shannon Ferguson
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