The Kelly Heese-led Lady Sharx Volleyball Club staged a four-day summer camp inside Phil de la Porte Gymnasium at Ceres High School.
Eighty boys and girls, aged 5-18, attended the June 27-30 clinic.
Each session lasted two hours (4-6 p.m.).
Cost was $50 per camper.
“I’m beyond happy,” Heese said. “I had no idea we’d have this many kids. This is great. This is what we’ve been trying to do for so long. This by far surpassed what I was hoping for. We did do a lot of advertising.”
Heese provided instruction with assistance from Chelsie Gisler, Diana Zarco, Yair Munoz, Allison Stiles, Molly Fonda, Carley Potts and Nikole Ferrel.
Zarco, Munoz and Stiles played volleyball for Heese at Ceres High.
Ferrel coaches the Bulldogs’ junior-varsity softball team.
Emphasis was placed on serving, passing, setting, hitting, blocking, serve receive, defense, communication and team work.
Ceres’ Penelope James (8), Turlock’s Allison McCord (10), and Modesto’s Jillian Smith (10) and Kaylana Gleason (10) were among the partcipants, along with the Horrocks siblings of Winton, Brielle (13), James (11), Lauren (8) and Jenna (4).
Winton’s Rachel Horrocks watched from the sidelines as her four children, three nephews and one niece cycled through drills on June 30.
“We’ve been looking for camps to open up again because COVID shut everything down,” she said. “It’s been a positive experience. They’ve had fun. I’d recommend it. And we’d do it again if they have it.”
Heese has coached volleyball in the Central Valley for 21 years.
She doubled as Ceres High’s boys and girls volleyball program this past school year.
She also coached at Central Valley High School in the past. Central Valley’s girls program reached unprecedented heights under her guidance from 2012-16. The Hawks amassed a 30-23 record in Western Athletic Conference action and qualified for the Sac-Joaquin Section playoffs three times.
The Lady Sharx will stage one-day clinics on July 24 and Aug. 7 for boys and girls, ages 5-18, at Ceres High School.
Each session will last 90 minutes (2-3:30 p.m.).
Cost is $20 per camper.
For more information, contact Heese at (209) 568-9253.
“The sport in itself is growing,” she said. “The plan is to have (sessions) at different and shorter times. If you want to compete as an athlete, you have to put in the time and effort.”